Also recently I have established few startups which one of them is called HobnobHobnob is professional social network at airports.

After spending almost a decade in software development and being a passionate to use IT as an enabler for firms, I have decided to concentrate more on below niches which I believe there is significant gap in market. Alas the impact of it has made plenty of failures and I am trying to fill this gap by spending more time on doing research and development.

  • Actionable Analytics & Data Consultancy
  • IT Leadership & Change Management Coaching

Please read more about my white papers in /wiki/spaces/my/pages/4227087.

Few words about myself

I am a software architect and loud-mouth on the design and development of enterprise softwares. contains lots of my writing on software development, which primarily focuses on software design, my own framework and agile methods.

I have been involved in core banking reference architecture design based on SOA approach in various layers such as: technology, people, functions, processes, services and etc. My expertise on core banking development is more on SOI(Service Oriented Integration) and SDLC of enterprise development. I've written few well-known articles according to SOA and enterprise developement such as: SOA in core banking, Service-Orientation based on agile methodologies, or Service Oriented Unified Process.

Specialties: Struts, JSTL, EJB, EL, JSP, Servlet, Java EE, UML, RUP, XP, Liferay Portal, SOA, ESB+ , Spring, Drools, JPA, EJB 3, SWOT, Balance Scorecard, Big Data, Master Data Management, ETL, node.js, sails.js, logstash, hadoop, lean ux, lean startup, lean analytics, html5, css3, twitter bootstrap, jQuery, ember.js, angular.js, yo, grunt, bower, jenkins, gitlab, continuous delivery, elastic search and couchbase.

My Travels

Main part of my life is covered by traveling. I really love to share of my life experiences through various cities that I have been /wiki/spaces/my/pages/622636. Hence, this category is intended to help me on it. Hope you enjoy it ;), I am recommending to everyone to do the same. Do as much as travel you can.

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