I am a software architect and loud-mouth on the design and development of enterprise software solutions. You can check my CV in /wiki/spaces/my/pages/622616.

What do I do?

I am a software architect and loud-mouth on the design and development of enterprise software. I have been involved in core banking reference architecture design based on SOA approach in various layers such as: technology, people, functions, processes, services and etc. My expertise on core banking development is more on SOI(Service Oriented Integration) and SDLC of enterprise development.

Also I love writing and sharing, hence I have written so many articles and books.


What my mates are saying about me?

I have been tremendously lucky that got opportunity to work with my mates. Most of them are unique and I miss working with a lot of them. Some of these true inspiring folks have written some comments about our time of working together. You can read them in /wiki/spaces/my/pages/622618.

My Travels

Main part of my life is covered by traveling. I really love to share of my life experiences through various cities that I have been /wiki/spaces/my/pages/622636. Hence, this category is intended to help me on it. Hope you enjoy it ;), I am recommending to everyone to do the same. Do as much as travel you can.

Technical Blog

I am doing my best to keep myself up-to-date, also share it with others. My posts are more about Java EE technologies, leadership, management, change management, software agile methodologies and etc.

Few words about myself

My name is Hamed Shayannasr (a.k.a. Chris Shayan). I am a software architect and I've around 8 years experience of software development. If I would want to put some names regarding what technologies/methodologies am I adore, the following list can address my concern: Struts, JSTL, EJB, EL, JSP, Servlet, Java EE, UML, RUP, XP, Liferay Portal, SOA, ESB+ , Spring, Drools, SWOT and Balance Scorecard.

Chris Shayan, www.ChrisShayan.com