Spice Up your IT

At VietnamWorks we have over 500 users located in Saigon and Hanoi, Vietnam. We have 406 workstations, 12 servers (in our internal server farms), 7 printers, and a lot of VOIP devices, smart phones and etc.

  • There are a lot of concerns for such massive infrastructure.
  • There are a lot of requests and supports tickets
  • What is status of each device on security
  • Monitoring our printers ink
  • We care about Green IT. We need to monitor our much power we are using and how to save it.
  • and you can imagine a lot more.

Our IT Evangelist, Ho Vo Minh and his team members (Tan, Minh and Quang), introduced an amazing platform which is called SpiceWorks. It is an amazing software. Now we can address all those issues.

We even can create our custom reports for ticketing systems, which generates a report like this: