Our content specialist (Truc) who is a very creative person, created a presentation about #WorldCup.

This presentation became one of the best ones and it has been share in ourSlideShare account. This is the direct link to the presentation. After 10 hours something amazing happened. SlideShare posted our presentation on their homepage and this is their tweet:

Now 2 days before posting it. On Tuesday, 10th Jun 2014,

I had a chat with Truc in a coffee shop at working hours. She complained to me that we are quite slow in creating contents there are so much barriers (made me to think about Agile Marketing). I was feeling a bit lost, what to do or what to say.

I decided to do something crazy. I suggested to Truc why don't we use the opportunity of #WorldCup and create some content about it which should be related toVietnamWorks. The crazy part, let's do it without any review, and yes. It happened. This post went to the homepage of SlideShare.

As a conclusion, do not limit your creative content specialists. Do you agree?