An Online Marketing Guide for your Startup

In my previous post (How to test your startup idea?) I talked about a cheap way of finding out is your business gonna work out or not.

In this post, I wanna talk about the next step which is how to move to next level of online marketing.

Unbounce has launched an interesting guideline which is called Noob Guide to Online Marketing.

This guideline has covered 8 areas of marketing and also comes with a Gantt chart style of activities as well.

These areas are:

  1. Social Media Marketing (SSM) is the new darling of the marketing community. In Noob guide, there are few guidelines on some social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn as well as few strategies such as timing the tweets, seeding some fans, networking on LinkedIn and etc.
  2. Email Marketing at Noob is not just about sending emails, it will help you to do A/B Testing your emails, setting up a drip campaigns for acquisition, education and retention.
  3. Lead Generation is required before doing any email marketing. Who do you want to send email if you do not have any email? You need to give away something if you need some emails.
  4. Organic Search Marketing is one of your most important elements. SEOMozis the best community on such realm.
  5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the step making you save your money. Imagine you brought in traffic but it is not enough. You need to convert them.There are various approaches such as 5 second test.
  6. Analytics is needed to achieve above CRO. You need some custom dashboards in Google Analytics as well as tagging some important events.
  7. Content Marketing is the king. Write an ebook, seed your contents on social hubs and more strategies.
  8. Pay Per Click (PPC) is the #1fasted way to get traffic IF you do it right and do it well.