Is Your Rockstar About to Leave?

There is a war happening. The art of this war is to retain your talents (or so called rockstars). It is pretty difficult to find best of the bests. Hence, when you land great employees, especially senior hires, you have to do whatever it takes to retain them. How?

  1. Give them the best compensation as best as you can ,
  2. As soon as you could afford pay them higher than market, 
  3. Continuously talk to them, you need to have a good relationship with them,
  4. Try to get feedback anonymously like a survey every quarter.

Above items will help you to retain them but what are the signs that are indicating you are losing your rockstar:

  1. They've no further complaints. It means they believe they should put their energy somewhere else,
  2. Your rockstar used to be very active in share his or her achievements in emails also sharing what he or she has read. Suddenly there is no more email, specially if it is after 6 months joining,
  3. When you try to offer them a raise, it is not making them excited,
  4. Rockstar is avoiding to have a chat with direct managers

Keeping rockstars is an art and each company needs rockstars for their glorious success.