Why Did My Startup Failed?

Myself and a friend of mine managed to launch a startup (called Hugo) quite while ago but it failed. In this I wanna share my failure experiences. However let's review what kind of startup was it.

Executive Summary

The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets -so called Big Data- will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential growth in data for the foreseeable future.

Big Data, market that will drive IT spending of $220 billion by 2,020, is everywhere and this disruptive phenomenon is destined to help organizations drive innovation by gaining new and faster insight into their customers and businesses and customers.


Hugo offers consultancy and solutions that covers the Big Data Technology Stack:

  • Infrastructure: defining the infrastructure that can support the organization growth.
  • Data Management: defining the strategy, managing access to extreme growing enterprise information and finding new ways to leverage information sources to drive growth and innovation.
  • Data Analytics: getting insights from any source within and outside the organization.
  • Decision Support and Automation: predicting future customer behaviors, trends and outcomes.

Hugo access the data from all sort of sources within the company and outside the company (including social networks), makes sense of all the information contained in the data and presented to managers who can access it, analyses it and visualize it. Hugo is envisioned as a SaaS platform to help managers transform, improve and better run their businesses.

Hugo will initially be formed as a consulting company specializing in the implementation of Big Data solutions including actionable analytics, visualization tools, in-memory databases and NoSQL solutions while implementing a SaaS platform to quickly expand its know how to South Asia market.

Mission, Vision and Values

The purpose and mission as a company is:

  • To innovate and create cutting edge solutions that solve business issues.
  • To create value and make a difference.

Our vision guides us in what we need to accomplish:

  • People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
  • Customers: together we create more efficient, sustainable and profitable businesses.
  • Portfolio: Bring to the market high quality and flexible services and products that adapts to business ecosystem and business needs.

Finally, the values that guide our business are:

  • Open Company, No Bullshit: we do embrace transparency; we are not afraid of being honest with ourselves, our staff and our customers.
  • Play as team, we want the team feel like they work with Hugo, not for Hugo. We think it's important to have fun with your workmates while working and contributing to the Hugo team.
  • Passion, we want passionated people at what they do, people who enjoy what they do and want to make a difference. We need you to love what you do.
  • Outstanding value to markets and clients: two things come first, customers and our people; we want Hugo to be recognized in the marketplace for quality in everything we do.

Business Model Canvas

The business model for the first year is based on delivering professional services to gain market awareness, recognition, insight knowledge and ultimately gather as many data as possible in order to build a flexible and robust platform that will allow rapid market expansion and growth in the years to come.

Value Proposition

Hugo helps companies to set up the right and most efficient infrastructure for Big Data, defines Data Management strategy that includes data from all company departments including sales, finance, operations, marketing helping to reshape business design and assemble new information applications that promotes interactivity and increase productivity. Hugo accesses all data that resides in a multitude of sources in the enterprise and over the Internet. Hugo help companies to draw more insight from Big Data Analytics or large and complex datasets while also help to create simulation models that predict future customer behaviors, trends and outcomes.

The following diagram shows Hugo Value Proposition; customers are overloaded with data, information that currently add little or no value to their businesses as it is not presented to right people at the right time, Hugo helps companies to set the infrastructure, data management strategy and the visualization and analytics tools to fasten access to sophisticated insight from any source or combination of data that will ultimately increase productivity, reduce costs and increase revenue.

Marketing Plan

Early in the year, February 2,013, Gartner released Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Magic Quadrants, two areas that are related to Big Data market:

The study highlights the growth of the market and the acquisitions that leading companies have been doing in order to position themselves in the market. The study also highlights the top five Big Data capabilities are reporting, data mining, data visualization, predictive modeling and "optimization".

The following diagram below shows Hugo's Marketing Plan:

Product and Services

Hugo offers the expertise a high-technology company needs to implement Big Data including data management, visualization tools and in-memory databases. Hugo builds Big Data Applications for a variety of industries. Each application suite is designed based on the baseline data model, predictive models and application adapters that each industry and ultimately customer requires to solve its distinct challenges. All of our applications are based on three pillars that define Big Data Applications:

  • Holistic data approach - make sense of all the company related data within the company (all data sources) and external (data stored in partner´s network, social network...).
  • Visualization tools - show the right information to right player, converting static data in actionable plan.
  • Real Time - making data available at the right time with the current information in order to enable making the right decisions

Lessons Learned

  • Lack of Customer Development
  • I didn't test the idea, simply I did not get out of the building. The answers to commercialization questions are outside the lab
  • Complicated technology which was out of fund of the startup
  • The hypotheses was too generic, I wanted to solve so many problems
  • There needs to be a separate, parallel path to validate the commercial hypotheses

What else do you think was my mistakes?